Let's not kid ourselves here.** I write what I write because it makes me happy - the holy grail of all motivations in this sad, post-modernistic world. It is my hope that through a discourse between me and my words and world peace, I will come to a greater understanding of how twisted the beautiful landscape of my mind really is. If what I just said feels familiar to you, congratulations! Not only have you made it so far up the evolutionary ladder that you understand all that, understand what ADHD means and that you have it only in small measure, but - and this is more important - fuck you sir, and here's another dick joke for you:
"When in doubt, go for the dick joke." — Robin Williams
I honestly thought of going for a different one this time but I wanted this mutant-hybrid-bastard child of a blogpost circle-jerk to live and breathe for the few moments before it died from the collective unbelief of those of you who know from much experience (and self-study) that it takes two to fulfill the biological imperative and the collective disgust of those of you who understand what all of that meant. Having said all that, it falls upon me to play the midwife by pointing out that was a self-referential, third-party dick joke made by a guy who looks like a dick. You know what they say, looks like a dick, talks like a dick, it's probably you dressed up for Halloween.
My, my. Rather dickish today aren't we?
Yes we are.
Anyhoo, so then, so da and ach so: Some of my more observant readers (and no, my precious middle fingers, since you are typing all of this you do not number among them) will have noticed that there are two asterisks at the end of the first sentence, second para. A lesser number of my more observant readers will have noticed the very clever number joke in the previous sentence. An infinitesimal Chosen few probably realize how much of a colossal prick I'm being right now ...
Right! The asterisks was really a way of saying "OR". So here it is then!
The OR:
** Let's not kid ourselves here. I have a readership of about 4.5 people. One of them is probably a schizoid who thinks they're writing this. No, it's not me. Free blog fame for anybody who can be clever about the half-person in the comments section. Pretty please?
For a post that is supposed to be a celebration of sorts, it's tone is somewhat acerbic. The Voices that Haunt will help me to comprehend this eventually. Which reminds me, I should probably name them (us)- right, us - so it becomes less tedious to refer to the- us in the future. Suggestions? Celebrate what you ask? At this point, will anyone believe me if I say that this was a post about announcing the list of blogs I follow and that it totally got away from me? You will, you say? Well then, you understand me good sir(s) and this is most unfortunate for all of us. Without further ado, cast thine eyes hither, thither and yon, and ye will find the list.
P.S There might or might not be some head-scratching, some ball-scratching (I'm looking at you, Mr. 'That's what she said' ... I'm looking away actually) and general brouhaha. In either case, another of dem BooHoos